Indonesia and ASEAN Members Discuss BIMP-IMT Blue Economy Collaboration


Indonesia discussed the collaborative blue economy strategy between Indonesia-Brunei-Malaysia-Phillipines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) and Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) with ASEAN member states at the BIMP-EAGA Strategic Planning Meeting in Sarawak, Malaysia.

“This strategy is in line with the priorities of Indonesia’s ASEAN Chairmanship 2023, one of which focuses on developing a sustainable and inclusive blue economy,” said Assistant Deputy for Regional and Subregional Economic Cooperation at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Netty Muharni in a statement here on Saturday.

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She said that her party would also actively contribute to implementing the BIMP-EAGA IMT-GT Blue Economy Strategy 2030.

Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries will also ensure the implementation of the Blue Economy Framework in ASEAN runs effectively so that the existing blue economy potential can become a new growth engine for the region.

At the meeting, Netty also conveyed the progress of the formation of the Blue Economy Task Force in ASEAN as well as the plan to organize the 2nd ASEAN Blue Economic Forum sponsored by Indonesia.

She also invited BIMP-EAGA members to attend the meeting which is planned to be held later this year in Laos.

In addition, he also encouraged the establishment of a Working Group on Halal Products and Services within the framework of BIMP-EAGA cooperation in line with the increasing interest of various parties to collaborate in the halal sector.

The BIMP-EAGA Strategic Planning Meeting, which took place on March 12-14 in Sarawak, Malaysia, also discussed priority projects in 2024, the results of the economic corridor study, and the mid-term review of BIMP-EAGA Vision 2025.

The review showed that based on 2017-2022 data, the targets in the BIMP-EAGA Vision 2025 were almost entirely achieved, with some even exceeded.

Cumulative exports have reached USD 563.2 billion (IDR 8,819.7 trillion) against a target of USD 240 billion (IDR 3,758.4 trillion), while foreign investment has reached USD 74 billion (IDR 1,158.8 trillion) against a target of USD 66 billion (IDR 1,033.5 trillion).

Meanwhile, the number of domestic and international tourists has far exceeded the target, reaching 490 million people from the target of 124 million people.

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