The Importance of Collaboration to Address ASEAN Gender Equality Challenges


The Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection emphasized the importance of a collaborative spirit to address the challenges faced in the ASEAN region regarding gender equality.

“This meeting marks the adoption of the ASEAN Declaration on Gender Equality and Family Development. This declaration reaffirms the collective commitment of the ASEAN community to improve the overall well-being of our peoples by strengthening family development, women’s empowerment, gender equality, and inclusive sustainable growth,” said the Chairperson of the Indonesian Delegation, Deputy for Gender Equality of KemenPPPA Lenny N Rosalin in a statement, in Jakarta, Saturday.

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She said this when holding a side event with the Ministry of Social and Family Development of the Republic of Singapore at the 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), New York.

Lenny N Rosalin explained the basis of the ASEAN Declaration on Gender Equality and Family Development, namely the link between family development and women’s empowerment.

According to her, the family acts as the building block of society and the values instilled in the family will shape the generation, shaping the character of the community and the aspirations of the younger generation.

She said that while women play an important role in the family, women have their own aspirations and dreams, including career aspirations.

“To truly empower women and ensure family well-being, a partnership approach between men and women, including the equitable sharing of household and parenting responsibilities is essential,” she said.

Regarding women’s empowerment in Indonesia, KemenPPPA sees the importance of addressing family issues. The family unit serves as both a catalyst and a barrier to women’s empowerment.

KemenPPPA with various stakeholders has been working to alleviate this problem through increasing women’s empowerment in gender-perspective entrepreneurship.

“We hope there will be an exchange of ideas and experiences that contribute to the development of comprehensive strategies and innovative solutions to push us towards a more gender-equal future,” said Lenny N Rosalin.

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