Ukraine Outlines Mission of Cooperation with ASEAN in Various Fields


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine presents a vision of cooperation with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in various fields.

“The idea of this policy paper was conceived after Ukraine officially joined the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation (TAC) in Southeast Asia,” Director General of the Asia Pacific Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Oleksandr Nechytaylo said at a visioning event monitored online from Jakarta on Thursday.

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Ukraine formally confirmed its commitment to expanding its cooperation with 10 Southeast Asian countries by signing an instrument of accession to the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation in Southeast Asia during the 40th and 41st ASEAN summits in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in November 2022.

Following up on the agreement, Nechytaylo said that the initiated vision of cooperation consists of seven areas of cooperation that are expected to be expanded.

The seven areas include food and agriculture, digital sector, trade, energy, disaster management, mine clearance, and social and cultural cooperation.

In the food and agriculture sector, Nechytaylo shared the expected cooperation potentials, including food trade facilitation, removal of technical barriers to food and agriculture trade, consultations on food and agriculture between Ukraine and ASEAN countries and other coordination with non-governmental stakeholders.

In the digital sector, potential cooperation includes enhanced cooperation to promote cyber resilience, security and interoperability in the digital environment; research and development projects related to cyber security to advance innovation; and promotion of information sharing, collaboration and intelligence exchange related to cyber threats.

In the area of trade, potential cooperation includes facilitation in trade and investment relations; promotion of Ukraine-ASEAN trade and investment; and sharing knowledge and experience in maintaining trade resilience and security amid uncertainty.

Furthermore, in the energy sector, Nechytaylo conveyed the potential for cooperation that can be carried out, including the promotion of energy efficiency and conservation practices, exchanging knowledge and experience in maintaining energy security and security to exploring opportunities for cooperation in strengthening the capacity of ASEAN member states in energy security.

In disaster management, some potential cooperation that can be pursued include capacity building and sharing practices and experiences in disaster prevention and mitigation, risk assessment and monitoring, disaster preparedness and response; and exploring other cooperation in the field of disaster management.

Furthermore, Ukraine also seeks cooperation in landmine clearance given the vast areas in Ukraine affected by mines, bullets and bombs due to Russian military aggression in the country.

Potential cooperation that is expected to be carried out includes exploring the potential for cooperation between Ukrainian authorities related to the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center; mine clearance cooperation in mined areas; to the promotion of science, technology and innovation cooperation related to mine clearance.

Meanwhile, in the social and cultural field, Ukraine seeks cooperation in raising greater awareness of Ukrainian-ASEAN traditions, heritage and culture through cultural exchanges; to intercultural cooperation between Crimean Tatars and citizens in ASEAN member states among other potential cooperation.

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