INDEF economist Eko Listiyanto believes that ASEAN member countries can learn from Japan to maximize the digitalization potential of MSMEs that support the country’s economy.
“One of them is how to connect these MSMEs, don’t let them look for (markets) themselves. We have to facilitate them so that they are connected, intra-ASEAN, which is not only filled by large entrepreneurs but MSMEs,” Eko Listiyanto said at the Wrap-up Syposium of the 50th Year of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation in Jakarta, Wednesday.
Eko said that just like Indonesia whose employment by MSMEs exceeds 97 percent, the economies of Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines are also supported by MSMEs.
But unfortunately, he said, the linkage of MSMEs in developing countries in the production value chain is still low.
Not to mention that digital adoption for MSME players is also still low. Thus, it is necessary to strengthen cooperation between ASEAN and Japan to encourage exports of MSME products between countries.
“Digitalization is massive, Indonesia’s generation is generation Z and millennials who are already digital natives. But there are still problems such as access that is not all evenly distributed. This needs cooperation support on how developed countries like Japan can equalize internet access capabilities, encourage MSMEs and industry,” he said.
In addition, Eko also believes that ASEAN and Japan need to encourage developing countries’ products to be more environmentally friendly so that they are more accepted in the global market. This is in line with the limited number of green industries.
ASEAN-Japan, he said, also needs to ensure that the green economy can create jobs for ASEAN countries.
So far, data and information on the green job market is still limited so it needs to be developed in the future, he added.
“The potential for renewable energy is huge, including in Indonesia. However, its utilization is still small so it needs to be developed further in the future,” he said.