ASEAN Single Window Saves Rp102 T Through Project with USAID


The ASEAN inclusive growth project together with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), one of which is the ASEAN Single Window, has succeeded in saving trade transactions around 6.5 billion US dollars or Rp102 trillion in the period up to 2023.

“I am excited to unveil new figures that the ASEAN Single Window (ASW) has saved about US$6.49 billion in trade transactions while improving compliance and transparency,” US Ambassador to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Yohannes Abraham said at an ASEAN-USAID event at the ASEAN Secretariat Building, Jakarta, Wednesday.

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Abraham said the transaction savings were accumulative with the value of savings per transaction around 2,300 US dollars or Rp36 million.

According to him, USAID with its innovation, trade and e-commerce (IGNITE) program, seeks to help ASEAN improve the operation of ASW through direct feedback from traders and record the cost savings achieved by traders using ASW.

At the start of the ASEAN-USAID IGNITE project in late 2018, the number of digital customs forms exchanged by ASEAN countries through ASW was 137,230. Then by September 2023, the cumulative total of documents exchanged increased to 4.4 million forms.

“This initiative simplifies the import and export process in the region thereby increasing speed, reducing costs and improving reliability,” Abraham said.

On the same occasion, Secretary-General, ASEAN Kao Kim Hourn said that ASEAN countries are working hard to not only encourage trade within the region but also with ASEAN partners such as the United States and ASW is very helpful to increase trade in the region and outside the region.

“The ASEAN Single Window is very helpful in boosting trade not only within ASEAN but with the United States and the fact that the United States is also supporting ASEAN through the ASW. In the future, we are organizing to continue that (cooperation), we are talking about world trade which will be the driver of prosperity,” he said.

The ASEAN-USAID IGNITE project aims to strengthen a more favorable environment for cross-border trade for both ASEAN and ASEAN. One of them is realized by supporting the expansion of ASW, an online portal that connects all national single windows of ASEAN countries by providing technical guidance on the development of three main customs forms that are now traded through ASW.

The three forms are the ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD). ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) e-form D, and the e-Phyto certificate required for trade in plants and vegetable products.

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