Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy: ASEAN MRA-TP Prioritizes Improving Education Quality


Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno revealed that the priority for the full implementation of the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Tourism Professionals (ASEAN MRA-TP) is to improve the quality of education and present a curriculum that is relevant to the needs of the tourism industry.At the 27th Meeting of ASEAN Tourism Ministers (M-ATM) which is a series of ASEAN Tourism Forum 2024, Vientiane, Laos, he explained that the quality of human resources remains a top priority for the national interests of each ASEAN member country in various sectors.

“Indonesia continues its commitment to the ongoing implementation of the ASEAN MRA-TP. I sincerely hope to establish many great collaborations with all ASEAN member countries to further enhance the capacity of tourism professionals, promote student and lecturer exchange programs, and expand people-to-people movements under the umbrella of the ASEAN MRA-TP,” Sandiaga said in a statement received by Indonesia Window here on Friday.

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The implementation of the ASEAN MRA-TP curriculum, which has been distributed to various tourism polytechnics in Indonesia since last year, is expected to encourage students’ hardskill and softskill abilities to be better honed so that they are ready to enter the business world, the world of work, and the industrial world and expand the network of cooperation with world-renowned universities.

“Currently, tourism polytechnics under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy have implemented the ASEAN Common Competency Standard for Tourism Profession (ACCSTP) and the Common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum (CATC) which are industry-based, flexible, and well-structured for six fields of work (hospitality and travel sectors) in the tourism sector. All tourism polytechnics are pilot projects that serve as examples for other vocational education institutions in the ASEAN region,” he said.
Indonesia also places education for the younger generation as one of the national priorities according to the national long-term development plan 2020-2045.

Indonesia as the main coordinating country for the ASEAN MRA-TP is also seeking a regional secretariat in Indonesia, so as to facilitate the creation of a professional tourism workforce in ASEAN.

Regarding the ASEAN Tourism Strategic Plan Post 2025, Indonesia also provided input on the values of blue, green, and circular economy that will bring positive influence to the development of tourism and creative economy in ASEAN and globally.

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