Malaysian Foreign Minister Mohamad Hasan is leading a delegation to the Ministerial Open Debate at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on the current situation in the Middle East including the Palestinian issue.
In a press statement from Malaysia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued in Putrajaya on Monday, at the UNSC, the Foreign Ministers will reiterate Malaysia’s call for an immediate ceasefire, against the continued forced displacement of the Palestinian people.
They also emphasized the importance of unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid to address the humanitarian carnage taking place in the Gaza Peninsula.
Foreign Minister Mohamad, according to the statement, will recommend that the State of Palestine be formally recognized as a UN Member State with full membership to demonstrate the struggle for their absolute right to self-determination and independence and long-denied sovereignty, based on pre-1967 borders, with East Baitulmaqdis as the capital.
The Malaysian Foreign Minister will also meet with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and convey Malaysia’s support for his latest call for the rapid, safe, comprehensive, smart and unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza.
Malaysia also expressed support for Sigrid Kaag, former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the Netherlands, in fulfilling her responsibilities as the new Senior Humanitarian and Gaza Reconstruction Coordinator.
Malaysia recognizes efforts at the multilateral level to continue to focus on the situation in Palestine.
On that occasion, the Malaysian Foreign Minister will also present a special postcard from the Prime Minister and Cabinet Members to the UN Secretary-General calling on the UN to accept the State of Palestine as a UN Member State with full membership, and at the same time calling for an immediate ceasefire.