Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Aceh Province exported 750 kilograms of fishery commodities such as shellfish to Vietnam.
The first export was carried out by the company CV Siti Ayu Persada using a commercial airline through Sultan Iskandar Muda International Airport, Blangbintang, Aceh Besar District, Friday.
“There are two types of shellfish that we export, namely blood clams and blue clams, weighing 750 kilograms in 33 boxes,” said CV Siti Ayu Persada Director Shohirin.
Shohirin said the export by his company was the first. Previously, Shohirin exported fishery commodities using someone else’s company. Meanwhile, the importing company is QMP Global Import Export Co Ltd.
According to Shohirin, the export market demand for marine commodities is quite high, in a day it can reach one ton. Export markets other than Vietnam include Malaysia and Singapore.
“We have not been able to meet the demand of the export market because the shells we collect are still small. We collect these shells from people in Langsa, Aceh Tamiang, Aceh Besar, even from West Sumatra and North Sumatra,” he said.
Shohirin said the fishery commodity is produced naturally, so the amount obtained is still small. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate mussels to meet the demand of the export market.
“We also plan to cultivate clams and other fishery commodities to fulfill the export market. Our exports are also supported by the Aceh Government and the role of customs,” said Shohirin.