Singapore Congratulates Taiwan’s Election Winners to China’s Dismay


The Chinese government expressed disappointment that Singapore issued an official statement congratulating Taiwan’s election winner, William Lai Ching-te.

“The Chinese government immediately lodged a diplomatic protest with Singapore. Singapore leaders have stated on several occasions that the Taiwan issue is a ‘red line’ for China,” Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning told the media in Beijing on Monday.

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In Singapore media reports on Sunday (14/1), Singapore’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson said “Singapore welcomes the success of the election and congratulates William Lai and his party on their victory. Singapore has a close and long-standing friendship with Taiwan and the Taiwanese people, and will continue to develop this relationship based on our ‘One China’ policy.”

“China hopes Singapore will strictly abide by the ‘one China’ principle and uphold the friendly relations between China and Singapore through concrete actions,” Mao Ning added.

Mao Ning reiterated that both sides of the Taiwan Strait have one common owner, China.

“Taiwan is part of China’s territory. The Cairo Declaration agreed by China, the United States and Britain 80 years ago clearly stipulates that all territories taken by Japan from China, such as Taiwan, must be returned to China,” Mao Ning said.

Article 8 of the Potsdam Proclamation jointly agreed by China, the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union in 1945, Mao Ning said, stipulates that the terms of the Cairo Declaration must be implemented.

“Then Japan accepted the Potsdam Agreement and announced its unconditional surrender. These legally binding international instruments provide the historical and legal basis for the fact that Taiwan is an indisputable part of China’s territory,” Mao Ning added.

Although the two sides in the Taiwan Strait, namely mainland China and Taiwan, have not reunited, Mao Ning said China’s sovereignty and territory have never been interrupted and the legal status and fact that Taiwan is part of China’s territory has never changed.

“This is the real status quo of the Taiwan issue. China will achieve national reunification and Taiwan will definitely return to the arms of its motherland,” Mao Ning said.

Taiwan baru saja selesai melangsungkan pemilu pada Sabtu (13/1) yang dimenangi William Lai Ching-te dari Partai Progresif Demokratik (DPP). Ia digambarkan sebagai pembela demokrasi Taiwan, namun Beijing menyebut dia “berbahaya” dan menjadi salah satu “kelompok separatis” sehingga dapat memicu konflik lintas Selat.

William Lai Ching-te memperoleh lebih dari 5,58 juta suara dari sekitar 14 juta surat suara, Hou Yu-ih, mengantongi 4,66 juta suara dan Ko Wen-je dari Partai Rakyat Taiwan (TPP) memperoleh 3,68 juta suara.

Saat ini Lai masih menjadi wakil pemimpin Tsai Ing-wen dan ini akan menjadi masa jabatan DPP ketiga secara berturut-turut.
Taiwan just finished an election on Saturday (13/1) won by William Lai Ching-te of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). He is described as a defender of Taiwan’s democracy, but Beijing calls him “dangerous” and one of the “separatist groups” that could trigger cross-Strait conflict.

William Lai Ching-te obtained more than 5.58 million votes out of about 14 million ballots, Hou Yu-ih, bagged 4.66 million votes and Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) obtained 3.68 million votes.

Lai is currently still deputy leader Tsai Ing-wen and this will be her third consecutive DPP term.

Under the leadership of Taiwanese leader Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) since 2016, Taiwan has taken a tough stance against Beijing as well as the “One China” principle that says Taiwan is a territory under Beijing’s rule.

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